Welcome while we get all our heirloom seeds information ported over to our new site! It will be a work in progress over the next few days, but then the database will be better than ever
The veggie pages are going up first, then the individual pages for each variety of heirloom.
Do you have any photos for any of the heirlooms we have? Since I unfortunately cannot grow all the varieties of heirlooms (although I wish I could!!) I would appreciate any support visitors can give, such as photos of heirlooms (the finished product, the plant or even the seeds), submit a comment and we will be sure to include it.
We also include many variety of heirloom vegetables from history, even though we are unaware of any known surviving seeds. If you know of any seed availability (including seed banks that do not make the seeds available to the pubic) from any of the varieties listed as “no known surviving seeds” please make a comment so we can update the listing. We may have some duplicated where an older heirloom is known by a different name today. We hope to be able to update as many seeds as possible with availability.
We will also be making posts about anything new and noteworthy in the world of heirloom seeds. And even while we are a work in progress, you can still submit any heirlooms we are missing to make the database as complete as possible.
We have also been toying with the idea of offering a seed exchange board here, so people can connect to swap heirloom seeds as well, if enough visiting gardeners would like it.
Thanks for making the heirloom seed database so popular
NOTE: HeirloomSeedsDB.com is NOT owned/associated/connected to any heirloom seed company. I love growing heirlooms but it was always super frustrating to have to go between 5 or 6 different seed sites just to pick which varieties of vegetables to grow each year. My goal is to provide avid heirloom loving gardeners with information on ALL heirlooms, since nearly every heirloom seed site out there restricts their listings to only the seeds they sell.
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