I wasn’t able to do the round up for a couple weeks, so there are tons of links here today And please like us on Facebook, we just started our Facebook page and it’s looking pretty lonely
We are also now on Twitter @heirloomseedsdb and we follow back our followers
Shlookshlies wrote about her family’s heirloom gardening
Passion for Green went to the Seed Savers Exchange in Iowa (jealous!) and posted pics of their demonstration garden as well as how Seed Savers Exchange does trellising in their gardens. I really hope there will be more posts about this trip!
SoloMomLife did an entry about what she learned from community gardening – part one on community gardening was featured on The Thrifty Mama.
Mavis from One Hundred Dollars a Month shows off her amazing garden now that summer is upon us. Be sure to take a look around the site as well, she has a ton of helpful posts on lots of gardening things. Her goal is to grow 2,000 pounds of food this growing season – she is already up to 55lbs harvested.
Lucy’s Garden did an update on her wonderful heirloom gardening – definitely check out her artistic plant markers.
Here We Gro did an amazing post that comes from the recent Nature tomato study about how they believe a meteorite caused the stressful conditions and the red hue of most tomatoes we know today, with lots of pics to go along with it.
Such a big genome expansion points to extremely stressful conditions. We suspect that the meteorite crash and the resulting solar eclipse had created conditions difficult for plants to survive. A distant ancestor of the tomato plant then reacted by expanding its genome considerably in order to increase its chances of survival.
And here is a link to the Nature article if you missed it.
Anne’s Savory Dish has a post about her organic gardening.
Sense of Home Kitchen did a post about her Kitchen Garden with some great photos – the strawberries in the first photo make me want to bend down and pick the ripe ones.
Balking at the cost of tomato cages? Giant Veggie Gardener shows how to make your own tomato cages – I love the idea of making a “u” on one end to make it so much easier to place in the garden, especially if the tomatoes have already reached that unwieldy stage where trying to fit a tomato cage over from the top is a challenge to the patience of any gardener.
Healthy SF did a quick post on the importance of heirloom veggies (and those carrots are amazing!)
Lifescapes did a post on some history of tomatoes. And found an amazing article on Porter & Son seeds, a company which unfortunately closed in the 1990s. Susan Wittig Albert is also an author with many published books and a podcast you should definitely check out.
There is a new book out The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food by Janisse Ray. About to be released soon, here is a review about it. I will definitely add a book review if I manage to get a copy. Janisse Ray also has her own webpage and includes a list of the many events she will be speaking at.
Another new gardening book came out a couple of months ago, Heirloom Gardening in the South: Yesterday’s Plants for Today’s Gardens.
Another issue which is so disappointing to see, Reason.com did a roundup of where gardeners have been subjected to fines for running afoul with city ordinances with their gardening.
Urban Expressions did an article about Savouring our Heritage and includes information on a workshop for those in the Montreal area.
Christopher Sisca of The Cabinet shows off his amazing garden photos including a before and after. Amazing how fast plants grow. And if you are wondering how to turn those forgotten potatoes that began sprouting to good use in the garden, he shows how to plant those too!
Curbstone Valley Farm has a great how to on how to graft heirloom tomatoes and the followup.
Now for some cooking goodness!
The Makery made fresh pesto pasta with baby heirloom tomatoes and includes the recipe. The photo is amazing.
Channeling the Old Lady Within has a recipe for Marinated Heirloom Tomatoes in a Sweet Walnut Vinaigrette. Check out the photo of the monster tomato from her garden too.
Keep your diet real has a recipe for White Bean & Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta.
Zabar’s has a recipe for Marinated Heirloom Tomato Salad. I love tomatoes, especially anything that includes fresh basil too and I will definitely be making this over the summer.
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