Here is our heirloom gardening round up from the past week.
First, if you didn’t see our Avoiding GMO Foods & Veggies, be sure to share it!
Avoiding GMO Fruits & Veggies Infographic
Heirloom Gardening!
Happy Child CSA was talking about their crop of heirloom tomatoes.
View from the Great Island: Heirlooms
He talks about the glass gem corn heirloom, which is absolutely amazing looking (and which I unfortunately wasn’t able to get seeds from, hopefully next year!)
The Art of Doing Stuff has a TON of photos of the garden, and it truly shows how even those on small pieces of property can make room for some pretty impressive gardening. AND there is a white picket fence (jealous!)
The Imperfect Gardener has a great post for anyone selling their heirloom veggie plants at a farmer’s market type event. She talks a lot about what she will do differently based on the expereinces her first time out. Highly recommended to read!
Sacramento Vegetable Gardening has a great post on heirloom tomatoes – and check out the photo of his PVC tomato cages if you are looking for different types of tomato cages. And there are Stupice tomatoes growing already.
Northwest Backyard Veggie Patch was talking about how her heirlooms aren’t being attacked by bugs while her non-heirlooms are – this is great because so many people assume heirlooms are so much more suseptible to all kinds of bugs/diseases compared to hybrids.
The Fun Projekt was building veggie boxes for her garden, and shows that there are still people being neighborly, even if you haven’t met them yet!
Flour Sack Mama did some gardening… I can’t stop looking at that photo harvesting Microgreen Freckle Lettuce. Still be a bit off before I can harvest any of my lettuces.
StoryMusing did a review of the book Beginner’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables.
DisasterPrep blog has an article about planning a survival garden with heirloom seeds.
Lou Murray’s Green World talks about some heirloom pumpkins amongst other things being planted in the garden.
Nomadic Chef talks about the heirlooms he planted (mostly peppers and tomatoes). And the mention of the Chocolate Sweet Pepper made me hungry!
Terry’s Square Foot Garden has a ton of videos for his square-foot-garden to be, and includes his sources for Canadian heirloom seeds.
Lastly, I wanted to mention this post, although it is not strictly heirloom gardening. Huffington Post has a great post on how you can end up with BPA in the garden because of the gardening equipment you use. EEK! I am definitely looking into this one more and will post as I find out! But one quick recommendation he has is letting the hose run for a few seconds before you turn it on the veggies.
Heirloom Veggie Cooking!
Shopgirl Maria was making Heirloom Tomato Galette, including the recipe.
Married Cat People made Vegan Quesadillas with Heirloom Tomato Salsa, with some pretty awesome (and making you hungry!) photos.
My Farmer’s Market Meals made up Heirloom Tomato Salad
Have a great long weekend for all of you in the US! And don’t forget to submit photos of your heirloom veggies so we can add them to the database (we hope to have individual pages for all the varieties finished in about a week ago)
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Thanks for sharing my Heirloom Tomato Salad recipe~I’ve also got a great salsa recipe!
Be sure to let us know when you do it, I’ll link to it as well
Salsa recipes specifically for heirloom tomatoes are few and far between.
Thanks for the mention! Putting in a front yard vegetable is the best gardening “thing” I’ve ever done. For example, all my vegetables are doing GREAT while one of the 7 remaining roses bushes is already showing signs of the dreaded black spot. It’ll be bare in about 3 weeks, and the vegetables (providing no rabbits or hungry neighbours come along) will be growing huge. ~ karen