Heat resistant heirloom tomatoes to prevent blossom drop

Areas in the Southern US are facing plenty of tomato problems this year because the weather is too hot at night, resulting in a great deal of blossom drop (we included a video about blossom drop at the end of this post).  If you live in a region with high nighttime temperatures (75-80F) and there are just not enough insects in the garden to pollinate, consider planting a heat resistant variety of heirloom tomatoes to get a larger tomato crop each summer.  Fortunately there are plenty of heirloom tomatoes available that can still thrive in hot climates.

You can click on each variety to get more information, including specifics to each kind of tomato, planting information and even blogs about each variety.  And for you unusual tomato lovers, they all aren’t red tomatoes :)


Pink & Purple

Yellow & Orange



Please share if you have other favorite heat resistant heirloom tomatoes :)

If your tomatoes are already planted and you are trying to salvage some potential tomatoes this year, here is a video on dealing with blossom drop on tomatoes and peppers and making a compost tea.

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6 comments to Heat resistant heirloom tomatoes to prevent blossom drop

  • Wendy

    My Creole and Costaluto tomatoes do amazingly well in Texas. My black cherry tomatoes did pretty well last year but I just didn’t like the taste as much. I planted a Purple Cherokee and Silver Fir and so far they seem to be doing well, I should know if the blossoms turn into fruit pretty soon.

    I also read about bringing in container tomatoes inside at night for some AC lovin, but I am a little bit squeamish about bringing in bugs too 😕 Yes, I am one of those who screams when she sees a spider!

    • Heirloom Seed Lady

      Great idea about the air conditioning. I suppose you could put them in a room and close the door and hope any spiders don’t make a quick escape. I did have a friend who brought in a container plant during a storm and when she woke up in the morning, she discovered her kitchen crawling with ants – apparently there was an ant nest in the plant and because the power was out, she didn’t notice when she brought it in. Ants were marching everywhere! EEK!

  • Love my tomatoes

    I grow mostly Creole tomatoes because they can well and I love the taste. They do very well in Lousisiana and they have got to be the most popular of the non-grocery store varieties here. I wish mine would hurry up and grow but I got mine in a bit late this year.

    • Heirloom Seed Lady

      Creole tomatoes definitely seem to be the all time favorite for southern gardeners where heat is a major issue. Lots of great recipes too – you can find some of them on our Creole tomato page :)

  • Love my tomatoes

    Forgot to add that now that I see the Aunt Ruby’s on the list, I am going to see if the garden center has any left. Always wanted to grow a green tomato but I was concerned that it would find it too hot here. Of course it will be my luck the center is all sold out, so fingers are crossed.

    • Heirloom Seed Lady

      Yes, Aunt Ruby’s is definitely the “token green tomato” many nurseries carry, both for popularity and for taste. Hopefully there are still some left after the big gardening weekend everyone had for Memorial Day.